President Issues enthusiastic invitation to the Paso and the surrounding communities ordered to El South West's tallest building at sea; programs. __ Open day for the people of El Paso and the southwest by the new $ 1,000,000 350-room Hilton Hotel, beginning at 10 clock instead of tomorrow and lasting all day. Everyone will be in El Paso and the surrounding area invited by President CN Hilton, the building on the opening day of impact, and attended the opening ceremony and the various House-Warming Events over until next Sunday. Visitors will find the 20-story building will be shown - El Paso is by far the largest - from the boiler room to the roof bungalows. Mrs. Henry S. Beach is chairman of the Committee to make the great reception on the occasion interesting and entertaining for the visitors. "This hotel, from the basement to the flag pole as much as possible from El Paso El Paso materials built by craftsmen and builders, an El Paso institution," said President Hilton, "and we want the people of this city and feel the section to the right at home in the hotel on the first day. Friday after the first day inspection, the hotel will be open for the reception of guests. In the evening it will be followed by a banquet with a dance. Many invitations have been issued and is expected to be about 500 untare obtained. Phil Phillips and his 10-piece orchestra recording, as the house orchestra engaged, will furnish music for the reception, banquet and dance, and other social events are already pending at the Hilton's calendar. Saturday lunch will take place in the modern Grand Salon at the Hilton is a bridge lunch, hosted by the Junior Service League of El Paso. All proceeds go tot he League Charity Fund. Arrangements have been made to accommodate a large number of women. Mrs. Walz Flatshare jurisdiction. First Public Dance In the evening the first public dance of the season will take place. This dance is open to the public, and most of the younger generation is to dance and to visit Phil Phillip orchestral music in the salon modernity. In connection with various opening events, a special train is ordered to come in Dallas to El Paso. Dr. ND Buis, the Marlin is responsible, and many guests of honor have promised to come on the trip. Among them are Senator Tom Connally, of Marlin, Gov. Dan Moody or his Special Representative and Governor Ross S. Sterling of Houston, and Governor of Chihuahua Andres Ortiz or his personal representatives-elect. Rubio is trying President Ortiz Rubio sent his regrets of Mexico, and a statement that the constitutionsg of Mexico does not allow the President of the Republic, without leaving a special act of Congress. "I am tempted to ask such a permit Congress to" His Excellency wrote. Construction and operation desHilton Hotel in El Paso was on the cold facts and estimates, it was only after Certified Public Accountants and engineers had built hotel, made a careful survey of the city of El Paso and produced from these surveys, numbers that the ultimate success of a pointed Hilton Hotel here. The financial reports and information by the managers of the Hilton Hotels used, Inc., more than the present almost from almost any other business